Hypnotherapy, NLP and Lifestyle Coaching

These are highly effective, fast-acting, scientifically understood healing modalities with widespread, worldwide acceptance.

Thomas has had intensive training and experience in all of these error correction methods. They are powerful tools in my toolbox and I use each of them extensively in my sessions with others, he says. Each has its own special purpose. Just as one wouldn't use a screwdriver to drive home a nail, I use each of these specialised tools in their best context. A journey with my client begins with a bit of compassionate consulting to understand their perceptual scaffolding that holds life in place. Only then am I am able to understand what must to be done and how we should best go about doing it. Towards the end of our process, in some of our final sessions, I may suggest coaching and mentoring to help bring it all together. Thomas teaches these advanced techniques to established alternative healthcare and medical professionals.

Putting things in perspective

Hypnotherapy Efficiency
Modalities which complement one another.

Hypnosis is an ancient mindcraft that miraculously found its way into our modern world and is now one of the globe's greatest self-improvement tools that easily reaches one's subconscious mind, allowing one to question, understand and reprogramme erroneous thinking.

NLP is an initialism for Neuro Linguistic Programming. It is both a subset of and an extension to hypnosis and is extensively used in business to help client-facing personnel better read, influence and persuade customers. When used in a therapeutic context, it has enormous power to enhance communication by establishing trust and rapport and to collapse and reframe old patterns of thinking.

Lifestyle Coaching teaches one how to focus, get into states of flow, to improve one's motivation to drive specific personal projects and business successes. It helps one explore and understand the general conditions and transitions in one's personal life, spirituality, relationships and profession by examining what is going on right now to discover what obstacles and challenges one holds, so that one may choose a course of action that makes one's life be what you want it to be.

Hypnosis — a profound mind tool

We would all be exceptionally gullible and open to manipulation if our mind did not constantly and unconsciously filter out most of the suggestions we receive throughout the day. If somebody shouted, Stand up! you would glance across at the person, assess the situation and probably shrug it off knowing that it wasn't something you were actually meant to do. The critical faculty is that part of our minds that makes these assessments and chooses to act or ignore these types of suggestions. Another term for the critical faculty is the reality checker. In this capacity, the subconscious mind acts like your guard dog at the gate, protecting you from unwanted suggestions and stopping you from acting upon them spontaneously and impulsively. Advertising agents, sales people, politicians, some preachers and a host of other people do their utmost to regularly try to bypass your critical faculty. If they manage to sneak past the dog at the gate, they have unfettered access to your subconscious and can then plant suggestive seeds in that fertile soil to influence you to do things you might not readily want to do like buying their products and services, voting for their political agendas and following their ways of thinking. Some suggestions could be benign and even helpful but a lot of them are purely exploitative and used to further other people's agenda.

It is obvious that a sharp, functional critical faculty is an important survival tool in this modern world but would there be any good reason to intentionally bypass it? That sounds dangerous, doesn't it? It turns out though, that one's critical faculty can also be a big hindrance when trying to reframe some of one's outmoded beliefs, mistaken and redundant thinking and allowing one to step through the debilitating experiences of the past. When, in these clinical circumstances, you intentionally bypass your critical faculty it allows you to fast-track well-formed strategies and bring about permanent changes for the good.

Hypnosis when used by a highly trained, skilled professional therapist, is an excellent tool that achieves this in a safe and gentle way. Under the careful guidance of your therapist, you can craft and upload a set of suggestions that leads to well-formed outcomes and creates appropriate, viable strategies for living.

The benefits of belief disentanglement

Here is a fact you may have overlooked: you have unlimited potential. It's a bold statement to make but it's true, even though it may seem impossibly difficult to unleash your inner strengths and find new strivings in life.

Here is another fact: your beliefs are your home. The world as you know it exists only in your mind. Everything you know has reached your awareness through your five senses. From a very young age you began to create a complex database of interrelated thoughts about everything you have experienced. You labelled every person, you defined every object and formed opinions and concepts about everything. You were meant to assess everything to decide whether it was friend or foe, useful or pointless. In your mind, you documented everything and discovered how things connect and interact with every other thing. This is your personal database of beliefs and perceptions about your world and everything in it. These beliefs influence the way you live, who you are and how you view the world.

For example, if you had a traumatic experience as a child, it will definitely influence the way you think and behave as an adult. These experiences may have victimised you in the past but they could also have made you strong and victorious. Either way, you wouldn't be the person you are today had you not had those early experiences. Your entire past contributes to your beliefs and determines who you are today. But beliefs can be changed. By changing your beliefs, you change who you are; by changing who you are, you change your world — well, at least your personal perceptions of it.

Thomas has passionately worked with thousands of people over many years and has taught these techniques to many other therapists and medical practitioners. He is ready to help you unleash your full potential.

The detrimental effects of erroneous thinking

One's ability to realise one's full potential is commonly blocked by inhibiting thoughts, erroneous beliefs and physical limitations. However, it takes some concerted introspection to recognise, understand and overcome one's spiritual, mental and physical limitations so that one might achieve much more in life. This kind of realisation will positively enhance all aspects of your life like enhanced sports performance, increased productivity, greater creativity, better memory, a refined sense of purpose and a healthier and more satisfied intimate life.

When you have a mind cluttered by erroneous thoughts, difficult or traumatic past experiences, then unwanted side-effects commonly begin to manifest. These side effects often take the form of unwanted habits and self-esteem issues. Past sexual abuse often leads to sexual difficulties and abusive relationships where you allow others to continually take advantage. Difficult upbringings lead to passive aggression, residual anger, obesity, stress, depression and other eating disorders. Juvenile issues may stem from a disruptive home environment and muddled thoughts also account for a vast array of phobias, obsessions, worries and fears. While some poor sports performance is about bad technique, it is often due to self-doubt, fear, feelings of intimidation and a need to avoid embarrassment. Deep-seated anxiety and stress are equally insidious, especially if you are amongst today's top achievers and stress manifests in a host of physical and mental illnesses.
